Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Holly Jolly Christmas

We have been soooo busy, so i am just now getting to recap all of our Christmas Festivities on the blog. We had a wonderful holiday with all of our family and friends and Santa was so good to us all! The girls loved all of their toys and Ella Kate loved seeing all of the Christmas lights on all of the houses. She was so sad when the tree and all of the lights had to come down, but I told her not to worry, they would all be back next year!

Here are tons of pics from Christmas Eve over at Jen and Kevins and then Christmas Day at our house-

And over the holidays, EK went to the movies for the first time ever! We met up with her best friend Emery and her parents and saw "The Princess and the Frog." It was such a cute movie and the girls loved it! They were dancing in the aisles! They were pretty good for their first movie experience, they did get a little loud at times but no one seemed to mind. They had a blast together! Here are some pics-

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