Thursday, April 28, 2011

Potty Queen

SO proud of RILEY!!!! I took the long Easter weekend to potty train her and the girl ROCKED IT!!!! She is loving her little underwear and enjoys picking out a new pair each morning. Her little face lights up and she says "I am doing it Mama, I am tee teeing!" And then she follows that with a "Give me a HIgh Five!" Love this!!

I got to school yesterday and they said she had a great day with NO ACCIDENTS!!! This girl is the Potty Queen!!!!

And here is her Potty Train Chart, one more sticker and she made it to the end and it is "Potty Party Time!!!!!!"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birthdays, Ball Games, and Bunnies!!!!

We have been so busy! First off, we have had a different Birthday party every single weekend and the girls have loved every minute of it! Cake and Ice Cream and Fun, what's not to love!!!! We went to the coolest kids' park in Covinton for Mills' Third Birthday! There was so much to see and do, we will definitely be going back to this place, the girls had an absolute ball! And Mills was King of the Play Ground!

Next up was Luca's Party! He celebrated turing 2 Carnival Style! Bubbles the Clown was there and she painted everyone's face, she did quite the number on me though! Ella Kate kept calling me Lady Ga Ga! There was a clown, popcorn machine, and even a bounce house so the kids were beyond thrilled! Little Luca had a wonderful day!

Ella Kate started TBALL this spring and is so sporty!!! The girl can hit and boy is she fast! She has made her Daddy very proud! Her team name is the Orioles and Norm and Kyle are her coaches. We named Riley and Harper as the Bat Girls and even made them shirts! It has been so funny watching these games, we have all had a blast! And Katie is loving that Ella Kate is number 5, "Look Alive Number 5", that is what they used to tell Katie when she played soft ball!

We kicked off the Easter Celebration with an Easter Egg Hunt at the Kappa House! Talk about fun! The kids loved finding all of the eggs, I think Ella Kate cleaned them out, her basket was full up! Luca came along too and he was stylin' in his shades! It was such a pretty day!!!

We had a wonderful Easter with family!! The Easter Bunny came to visit and left the girls all kinds of good stuff! Then we had an Easter Egg hunt with cousins Logan and Emma followed by delicious hamburgers and pool time! It was a beautiful day!!