Well, nothing ever goes as planned in our little Griswald family! Tropical Storm Lee brought a whole lot of suprises including our newest addition to our crazy family! We were all set for her to arrive on the 14th, so Scott and I and the girls along with Katie and her family all headed to Texas for the long weekend. We arrived at Biggie and Me Me Deb's Friday night around 8p. The girls were so excited to get there and could not wait to get in the pool! We all settled in for bed around 11p and I awoke to a text around 430a from Jen saying her water had broke and they were at the hospital!!! WHAT??!!!!! I woke up Katie and woke up Scott and then we woke up Dad and Deb. Katie and I were in a panic! How were we going to get back to BR with a Tropical storm pounding most of South La.???!!!! We turned on the weather channel and it did not look good at all! We made the hard decision to stay put, it was not safe for us to drive. We were all heart broken but knew Jenny and Baby were in good hands and Kevin and Mom promised to keep us updated!
Thank goodness for Skype! This was the next best thing to being there! We were able to talk to Jen and Kevin and see their anxious faces! We were all gathered around the computer including all of the kids! We skpyed one last time and then Kevin said "Ok, time to have a baby, we will talk to you later!". The computer screen went black and then silence. We sat there on pins and needles waiting for them to call us back!!!! And then Mom made the call.......................
IT's A GIRL!!!!!!!! IT's A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie and I were screaming at the top of our lungs!!! Tears were flowing and I all I remember is hugging Katie and jumping up and down! Deb and Dad were hugging and I think Ella Kate just looked at us all like "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" She had the biggest smile on her face and ran to hug Libby, Mills and Riley! Russell and Scott just looked at us all like we were crazy! But that is us, we are the Griswalds and we wouldn't have it any other way!
Isabelle Rosalie Boneno was born Saturday 9/3 at 243p. She weighed in at 5 lbs 14 oz 19 in. She is Gorgeous!!!! Kevin told us what a Champ Jen was and I could hear the pride in his voice! Luca has a baby sister!!! Their little family is now complete.
We finally were able to get back to Baton Rouge yesterday and meet Baby Isabelle. She is the most precious little thing ever and even though we were not there when she came into this world, I felt like she knew we were with her the entire time! Ella Kate and Riley were over the moon, they kept wanting to hold her and everytime I asked if I could hold her, Ella Kate would say, "Yes, but you will give her right back to me, right???" None of us wanted to let her go, she is just so sweet!
Their Little Princess has arrived!!!!!! We are so blessed to welcome her to the Griswald Family!