The next morning I took Ella Kate and Emery for a little outing together. We went and purchased dance shoes, made a trip to Pigtails and Crewcuts for a haircut for Miss EK, and then to Walmart. I made a promise to the girls if they were good, they could have a treat. They decided they wanted marshmallows, no idea where they came up with this, but this Mama said "easy enough" and we grabbed us some mini marshmellows from Walmart and were good to go! Next stop was McDonalds drive thru for some happy meals for lunch, but wouldn't you know it, both girls were snoozing by this time in the back seat. They were so sweet together and it was a treat for me to spend the morning with them!
We had a low key but fun 4th of July! The kids got to hang out together and we did a little swimming over at Emery's house. Later that night, Scott and I loaded the girls in the car and drove around the neighborhood looking at all of the fireworks! Riley did not seem that impressed and fell asleep but EK loved it, Scott let her sit up in the front with me and put down the sun roof for her and she "ohhhhed" and "awwwwed"!
Ella Kate had her first dance class yesterday! EK and her BFF Emery were all smiles for class and reminded me so much of Erin and I so many years ago! They were too cute and were pretty good if I do say so myself!
And here are just a few random cute pics of the girls and a funny video of Riley in action!!!
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