And then it was really time to start our Summer Fun with a trip to Biggie and Me Me Deb's for Memorial Day Weekend! We had a full house and had so much fun! The kids wanted to stay in the pool the entire time! We got lots of swimming in and lots of family time full of laughs! Thanks Dad and Deb for the yummy food and overflowing beer and wine! And for all of the loving on our kiddos, they sure do love you guys! And I love seeing your faces light up when you get to spend time with all of the grandbabies!

Next on the agenda was the CIRCUS! Ella Kate was so good and sat so still throughout the entire show! Unfortunately, we cannot say the same for Riley! She was good for about the first 30 minutes and then started throwing pacifiers at people! Tons of fun!!

Griswalds Gone Swimming!!! I sent Scott to the store to get a new baby pool and he came back with a water park fit for the Griswalds! We had two pools, a slip and slide, and tons of water guns! Great way to beat the Heat!

And next up it was time to celebrate Dads!! We celebrated Father's Day NOLA Style! We had beignets at Cafe Du Monde, walked outside by the river, went to the Aquarium and Insectarium. It was a fun filled day! EK loved that she got to have beignets just like Princess Tiana makes! And she was so excited to see all of the fish and insects! Riley on the other hand, was "Bad Betty"! She could not sit still, did not want to be in her stroller or be held, she just wanted to run wild! She wore us out! Even with her bad behavior, we still enojoyed our day! I had asked Scott what he wanted to do for his special day and his response was "To spend time with you and the girls", well, that is exactly what he got!!! Ella Kate was all about her daddy and woke him up that morning by shouting "HAPPY"S FATHER"S DAY!!!!"
Scott, I hope you had a nice day full of new memories to file away! And I hope you know how much the girls and I love you! You are our everything!! And accodring to Ella Kate, "Daddy can fix anything!" And that is pretty much true, so thank you for all that you do and for being such a wonderful father to our beautiful girls!
I have to give a shout out to my own Dad, thank you for being such a wonderful father and friend! No one does it like Big Al from Kingwood when it comes to loving his kids and grandbabies! Nothing like a daddy's love for his little girls!
And now according to Ella Kate, "After Father's Day, it is Friends' Day!" Not sure when this new holiday came about, but I like it!!! The girl loves her friends and so does her Mama!
And just a few cute pics of the girls! So funny, Riley now says "CHEEZ" and smiles when she sees a camera now! My Little Hams!
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