Follow along as our Little Feet take you on our journey!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Yesterday morning we woke up to an AMAZING sight-SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was crazy, our yard was filled with snow and it was just coming down! I woke up Scott and he ran outside in his pajamas like a little boy with the camera, I finally had to convince him to come in and put on some warm clothes. We woke up Ella Kate and at first she wasn't too excited and wanted to go back to bed, but then her daddy built her a little snowman and she was over the moon. She kept wanting to go back outside and talk to her new friend(now she is very upset today and doesn't understand where her snowman went since he melted like all snowmen must do, she keeps asking for him)! Roux blended right in with the snow and Scott kept throwing him snowballs and he would chase them but couldn't figure out where they would disappear to! We got this on video but I can't get it to upload so I will have to get Scott to do that tonight and I will add it on here. Here are some pics of our SNEAUX DAY!!!!!!
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