The following weekend we had a visit with Ganny!!! Dad and Deb met the girls and I in Shreveport and we had a fun filled few days together! It was so nice spending time with my sweet Ganny and she loved seeing Ella Kate and Riley. And they loved her and the endless amount of jelly beans she kept giving them! We fit in a lunch at Superior and then watched the LSU/Auburn game. We weren't too happy with the outcome of the game but that didn't spoil our good time!

My most favorite moment of the weekend came when Ganny dug up this old shirt for the girls to have. My sisters,cousins, and I all wore these shirts 30 some odd years ago for an ad when my Paw Paw ran for Clerk of Court. They were my Mother's creation and I can remember taking this picture like it was yesterday! Deb and I texted the pic to Jen, Katie, and Mom and it brought tears to their eyes! So very special! I am pretty sure Paw Paw was smiling down on at us that day!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! Our Halloween Festivities started out with Trick or Treat on the Row!!! Such a great time and the girls love seeing the cheerleaders and Mike the Tiger!

More Trick or Treating!!!! Annual Zeringue Party and Riverbend Halloween! We had so much fun!!! Got to hang out with all of our buds, Riley loved all of the candy and Ella Kate discovered a yummy Purple drink thanks to Mr. Norm!!! Can you say "SUGAR HIGH"?????!!!!!!

We also had the St ALoysius Fair which kept us VERY busy! Scott and I were up there all weekend long working it and thank goodness for Me Me and Ya Ya for watching the girls. The girls loved the Fair, especially all of the rides!! Ella Kate even went on the big ferris wheel with her Daddy and her friend Kate. Her and Emery braved the big slide together and Riley loved them all!!!! She put a death grip on of the horses when our turn on the Merry Go Round was over and I told her it was time to get off, she did not want to let go of her Horsey! They blew through all of our money in a blink of an eye and when we told them it was time for them to go home, they were not happy! We had to bribe them with some popcorn to leave and that did the trick!