The week went downhill from there. At Riley's one year check up, we found out she had a double ear infection. We had a rough week, we were in and out of the doctor's office because the antibiotics were not working. So two different antibiotics and two shots of roseffin later and her ears are still not clear. But at least the shots seemed to help with the fever. And she is teething at the same time, she has 5 teeth up top one of which is a molar that just popped through. Poor Baby! And we are headed to the ENT tomorrow,pretty sure tubes are right around the corner.
We saw her Cleft Team this past Monday for her annual check up. Everything went well, but they did check her ears and said they were pitful and they thought she would need tubes ASAP. Ella Kate came with us to the appt becuase she was not feeling well so I did not want to send her to school. She was still not feeling well the next day so she came to work with me, she was so good for her Mama. MeMe took her to the doctor later that day and turns out she now has an ear infection and bronchitis. My poor girls! Scott and I are pretty worn out too! She is on an antibiotic and seems to be feeling better so she went to school yesterday!
Oh and I forgot to mention that Riley is starting to walk!!!! She started taking about 4-5 steps at a time over the weekend. It is the cutest thing ever and she just gets so tickled with herself. She is pretty brave so you have to watch her like a hawk because she takes a few steps and then comes tumbling down!
Here are some pics of Riley and her cupcake-
And this is little Riley snoozing mid breakfast, so funny!
And just a cute pic of the girls-
And a cute pic of Riley lunching at Chick Fil A-