Riley had an Infant See eye exam today and did so great! While we were waiting to see the doctor, she was hamming it up for the nurses and when they would try to do paper work, she would start fake coughing to get their attention. She is a mess! They ate it up with a spoon!
She did great at the exam. She loved following the Doctor and his lights and she loved these black and white paddles he was using. She was so still and good for him, he went on and on about what a good patient she was! He did detect a astigmatism in both eyes, but said it was nothing to worry about it. That it could change as she grows older and he doesn't think she will need glasses because of how great she followed and tracked all of the objects. He wants to see her back in a year! I highly recommend this Infant See program, I mean you cannot beat a free eye exam for your Baby!
MeMe took EK to school today since we had Riley's appt. Ms Angela sent me an email and it totally melted my heart. Here is what it said:
The girl was a trip this morning-- directing me to Aloysius, telling me when to turn, and of course “be careful MeMe” when I got on the interstate. When we got to Aloysius she wanted to go see Jesus. She told me Jesus was in her heart. We went to church and sat down for a few minutes and she was so quiet and respectful. When I brought her to her class Linda told me they had taken them yesterday and how good they were. How sweet is that!!! Made me smile!!!