We have been working with Ella Kate and potty training. I did a relaxed version of the 3 day potty training over the weekend. I say relaxed becuase we had plans on the 4th of July so I could not really keep her home all weekend.
Day 1-she did pretty good. MeMe came over to help us out, thank goodness! We went through about 20 pairs of undies with the tee tee accidents, but she was aware she was going and would tell me everytime. I never knew a child could tee so much, but we had her drinking so much and the lil piggy almost ate an entire watermelon all by herself. By 930a I was already exhausted! But by midday, we had our first successful potty expereince and then she went several more times in the potty that afternoon. That evening I had just finished bathing her and she told me she needed to go and she went on the big potty. I was so proud of her!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you could tell she was so proud of herself! But the little stingy thing kept asking for more prizes!!!
Day 2-(4th of July)-she woke up dry and went potty after a few attempts. Then we went swimming so who knows! But she did try to potty after our swimming but nothing happened. She tried a few more times that day and was about 50/50.
Day 3-Same thing, 50/50 but would tell me everytime. We just need to work on her getting to the potty in time. She tells me as she is going instead of telling me she needs to go.
Monday was her first day back at daycare and I told them to work with her becuase we had been working on it all weekend. When I picked her up yesterday, they told me she had a GREAT first day of potty training at school. They said she stayed dry till almost noon yesterday and went potty several times. They said she was wet right before lunch so one accident. She stayed dry during her nap and pottied afterwards. I was so excited she did so well, so proud of her!!!! They said she had another good day yesterday at school, only one accident. She wore her big girl panties to school today so we will see how she does!
Now, poop is another story! She has not pooped in her potty this whole time, but I hear that can take awhile. She pooped once in her potty a few months ago, but nothing since.
We will keep on working at it! Never knew potty training could be so exciting, rewarding(the look on her face when I tell her how proud I am of her), and stressful all at the same time!