Follow along as our Little Feet take you on our journey!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We had a fun Pool day over at Emery's house this past Sunday! Ella Kate, Emery, and Camden loved playing in the water and had lots of fun in Emery's playhouse as well. Things got a little messy after Ella kate decided to rearrange Emery's flower bed, see below! But it was such a nice day and the kids had so much fun together! Us parents enjoyed ourselves too with some adult beverages and Kyle's good cookin! Here are some cute pics of our day-
I never knew I would be so excited about POO! Last night Ella Kate tells me she needs to go to the Potty. Of course, I am trying to do a million things at once and feed Riley a bottle at the same time. So Riley, Ella Kate and I all head into the bathroom so EK can sit on her potty. After about 10 minutes of sitting there, she tells me she has to poo poo. I said, "Ok, well, you are in the right place and that is what your potty is for." So she tells me, "I am doing it Momma, I am poo pooing!" She was so excited and so I was I! Of course, she wanted to see it afterwards and then I showed her how we flushed it down the big potty and she thought that was the coolest thing ever! Then we had to call Daddy at work and tell him! He brought her home a prize for being such a big girl, he got her this Dora toy backpack that talks and she loved it, she kept hugging it! She had to tell everyone she went Potty, including Riley and Roux Roux. It was too cute!
Big news last night! Ella Kate went Potty!!!!! I was cooking dinner and she comes and tells me she needs to go potty. So I was like, ok, let's run go sit on your potty(we have done this alot lately, but nothing ever happens, we just sit there). So we go sit on her potty and I pick up a magazine and start thumbing through it, well she needs one too she says, so she grabs the US Weekly and we are just sitting there reading. I remembered I had rice cooking, so I told her you sit right here on the potty and I will be back in a flash, gotta go stir the rice. I come running back to the bathroom and she says, "There is water in there Momma!" "There is water in there!" and is pointing to her potty! Sure enough there is! My baby finally used her potty and I missed it! I started jumping up and down and told her it was "AWESOME" and that I was so proud of her! She keeps saying "It is awesome,I am so proud of you Mommy!" So we made a big deal of it and she got a sticker, and learned a new word that she keeps repeating now-AWESOME!
We had a great easter filled with Fun! Ya Ya and I took the girls to the see the Easter Bunny, Ella kate hated him and had a complete meltdown! She was crying and saying "I don't like it, I need to go home!" So we were only able to get a pic of Riley with the Easter Bunny. Oh well, 1 out of 2 ain't bad! EK cheered up when she saw the Merry Go Round and had to ride, so we got some pictures of her doing that.
On the Saturday before Easter, Scott and I took the girls to the zoo. It was a beautiful day! Ella Kate had so much fun, her favorite part was the play ground and the ice cream that her Daddy got for her!
On Easter Sunday, we had everyone over at our house. We had such a great time, the weather was not very nice, but the kids still had fun playing and hunting for Easter eggs! Scott fried fish and we all ate way too much! And then the rain let loose around 5p and it was time for everyone to go home. Poor little Ella Kate was so exhausted so was sound asleep by 7p!
Sorry, I am little late posting, but we have a new addition to our family! Luca Patrick Boneno was born on March 26th weighing in at 5 lbs 15 oz and he is just beautiful!!! Jennifer went into labor the night before and Kevin called me around 3am to tell us they were headed to the hospital. I dropped the girls off at school and worked for a little while before rushing up to the hospital. Baby Boneno was in a hurry to get here and I almost didn't make it in time! I finally got there and wanted to see Jennifer before it was time for her to start pushing but the nurse at the desk told me I was too late and could not go back. I was so upset and was in tears! Then Mom came out and said they were going to let me go back for a little bit, I was so Happy! Jen looked great and Kevin was so sweet to her and giving her so much support! I stayed back there for a little while as she was starting the beginning pushes. I have never been so proud of my sister, she was a total Rockstar! I went back to the wating room so Mom could come back in. All of our family and Kevin's family anxiously awaited the arrival and were all taking bets on BOY or GIRL! My vote was for GIRL.
Finally Kevin came out and told us the baby was here but would not give us any clues as to what it was, they wanted to tell us all together. So we all went into the room and Jen was holding the baby and they introduced us to Luca, IT'S A BOY!!!! He is so precious and Mom and Baby did great! Of course, the tears were flowing and once again the Griswalds took over the hospital!
I took the girls and Scott over to see Luca the next night, Ella Kate kept saying "I love Luca" but once we got there she was more interested in checking out the bathroom! Here are a bunch of pics-