Riley has been doing well, we had a little setback over the weekend. She started breaking out in a rash on her cheeks and then it spread to her neck and stomach. I called Dr Moses and we figured out she was having an allergic reaction to her medicine. So we stopped both of her meds and the rash seems to be getting better. The pain medicine was also giving Riley some stomach issues so we had to deal with that as well. She also wanted nothing to do with a bottle all of a sudden, she only wants to nurse which is keeping her momma very busy and very tired! We think it had something to do with the stitches and there was some glue hanging down that was still attached, so it could have been bothering her.
Yesterday we went back to Children's Hospital to have the stitches removed, we had to be there for 6am, so that meant leaving here at 4am again, we are soooooo tired! Riley woke up once we got to the hospital and was not happy! She was hungry and did not understand why her mommy was not feeding her. She could not eat past 330am, so she was MAD!!! She gave me the most pathetuc little look, it broke my heart! She was so upset, she cried her first tear! Dr. Moses came in and they took her back at 755a, they were done by 820. We got to go to recovery and they said she did great but is screaming to be fed! She went right to nursing, poor baby was starving! Scott and I both could not believe how amazing she looks, Dr Moses did such a wonderful job and she looks so much like Ella Kate! He explained to us that there was still some swelling and the scar would be red and tight for a few months, but that it will look better and better as it heals.
We had to wait an hour to make sure she ate and didn't have any problems. We were then discharged and able to go home! She is doing well, still pretty fussy, alot of that has to do with the anesthia, it upsets their tummies. And she still is not really wanting a bottle, but we are going to keep working on that. She is catching up on the eating she missed and wants to eat every two hours. She has to wear her nasal stint and arm guards for two more weeks and then she will be good to go! She has been such a trooper through all of this! We are all exhausted but are so thankful that everything has gone so well and feel so lucky and thankful for all of the support and prayers all of our family and friends have given us.
Look at this face! This is before the stitches were taken out, she was so upset!

Her first tear!

With Dr Moses

Feeling better now that the stitches are out!